Auch in diesem Jahr stellt die Eklund Foundation Fördermittel in Höhe von insgesamt 220.000 EUR für die odontologische Forschung und Ausbildung zur Verfügung, um zahnmedizinische Forschungsprojekte zu fördern. Die Bewerbungsfrist für die Projekte läuft bereits: Noch bis 31. Mai 2021 können englischsprachige Bewerbungen über die Website eingereicht werden. Die Eklund Foundation wurde 2015 gegründet, um Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Zahnheilkunde zu unterstützen.
Bild: Experimentelle und klinische Studien aus allen Bereichen der Zahnmedizin sind willkommen.
Funds of in total €220,000 have been allocated to odontological research and education by the Board of Eklund Foundation in 2021, and during May, it is time to apply through the website The successful projects will be announced this autumn.
Since 2016, the Eklund Foundation has distributed € 140,000-200,000 annually to studies in periodontology, implantology and cariology worldwide. Teams in Italy, France, The Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the USA are among the recipients. More information on previously awarded grants, ongoing and published studies can be found at the website.
Information in short:
- Funds of in total €220,000 have been allocated in 2021
- Application portal is open 1-31 May 2021
- Experimental and clinical studies within all fields of dentistry are welcome, but projects that can be related to periodontology, implantology, or cariology will be prioritised
- Researchers may apply for funding for a project in its entirety, or for part of a project
- The successful projects will be announced in September.
For more information, please contact:
Helena Ossmer Thedius
Marketing & Innovation Director
+46 40 670 11 00The Eklund Foundation was established in 2015 to support research and education in the odontological field. It rests on a donation of MSEK 50 by the Eklund family, owners of the Swedish company TePe Oral Hygiene Products.